When you join Perennial Family, you start pruning the family tree.

We spent years working extensively with children and families affected by abuse and exploitation. We saw the effects of the common, justified, and avoidable generational damage that could have been prevented with some simple ideas, an effective plan, and deliberate change.

That's why we started Perennial Family— so you can create a healthy legacy by connecting simply with your family.

Join the growing community of families committed to securing a healthy and connected legacy for their loved ones.

Connection creates healthy legacies.

Family history influences everything—

From core beliefs and values, to mental and physical health, to addictions and coping mechanisms.

We want to give you:

  • A monthly plan to help you create a family culture of connection

  • A 4-part framework for understanding your family’s functioning

  • Actionable tools to help meet those needs

Everyone wants the best for their family.

We're dedicated to providing you with simple, actionable tools to help you make the most of the time you have left.

Let’s start doing family differently together.

We want to help you grow a healthy family tree.

Every family grows from the roots of the previous generation.

What you do with your roots is detrimental to how your legacy will flourish. We help families grow resiliently and enduringly, blooming even in the harshest of circumstances. The only way to do that is to get down in the roots, figure out what’s what, and set up your family to flourish.